Here is Gabe's page from the notebook. All of the previous children made a numbered list, so Gabe followed their example. I will translate it for you since it is a little difficult to understand.

2nd We did our homework.

3rd We played on the DS.

4th We played outside.

5th Lollipop Dragon met Flames. (This is Gabe's Webkinz dragon.)

6th I read to Lollipop Dragon a story.

7th We watched a movie. (I Love Lucy episode)

8th We ate dinner.

9th We bought some lollipops at the market. (Lollipop is special because he shoots lollipops instead of flames. We thought it would be fun for Lollipop to buy some lollipops to share with Gabe's class at school)

Lollipop even helped check them out at the register. Gabe made me carry Lollipop into the store since he is pink, and he was too embarrassed to be seen holding a pink toy. In the privacy of our own home, Gabe treated the dragon with the utmost respect.

10th We went downstairs to help get ready for the garage sale. (It's tomorrow! It's actually more like a kid sale; Ariel is in charge. She's trying to raise money for church camp this summer. Almost everything is kid stuff: toys, clothes, books, movies, puzzles, games etc.)

11th We go to bed. (I snuck into Gabe's room and took this picture while he was sleeping.)

12th We go to school.

This was such a unique idea to have Lollipop spend the night with all the children. We really enjoyed our turn. Gabe is certain that Lollipop Dragon had the most fun with our family.
Hi this is going to sound rather strange. I had that exact pink dragon teddy growing up. It was my favourite thing ever and it got lost when I was around 25. I’ve spent hours online trying to find somewhere that sells it and stumbled across this post on Google images. If you remember where you got it and where you purchased it from I would be eternally grateful- I’m expecting my first child and I would love more than ever to buy them the same teddy to have as their favourite. My email is pcamp84@gmail.com. Thank you