Seven years ago, we were on the market for a new home. Our funds were smaller, and we needed a lot more house for our money. Our family was growing and the current home couldn't hold us all. We had two children at that time, a girl and a boy, and only two bedrooms in the home. We had been renting previously, and decided it was time to purchase our first home.
Throughout the entire experience God was in the middle of it. For 6 months we searched and searched for a house. We were extremely choosy and couldn't settle for just anything. I knew our children would soon be in school, and we needed to find our perfect home dependent on the perfect school.
I had a friend at that time who worked within our school district. I asked for her advice and she told me about three really good schools. We had decided that a house wouldn't even be an option unless it was in the area we desired. The school was our biggest priority.
When we came upon our current home, before I even set foot in the door, I had to wipe tears away. I knew from the outside that we were finally home. I had an absolute peace in my heart. This was it. Our search was finally going to be over. After six long months, and 6 bids later, we walked into our home.
If you had made that same walk with us 7 years ago, you probably wouldn't have had the exact same feeling. The house was a fixer upper. All the floors needed replacing, and the bathrooms were very outdated. The tub enclosure was cracked, and the living room had avocado green carpet. If you walked in the kitchen you might have slipped on the linoleum tiled floor that was falling apart. The house to anyone else was probably ugly, but to me, it was an answer to prayer. God gave us this home! Someday I'll share some pictures with you, and show just how much a miracle the house was.
For me it was immediately love at first sight.
The whole point to what I'm saying here, God knows exactly what we need. At that time my daughter was almost 4 years old. She would be starting kindergarten the next year. I'm convinced the best part of our home is the school we are assigned to attend.
From day one at Meet the Teacher night, I was in love. Ariel's kindergarten teacher was amazing and I will never forget her. Every person that works in that school seems handpicked by God. I have never met anyone there I haven't liked. They all put you right at ease.
The school is very diverse which adds to my love of it. There are rich kids, poor kids, average kids, and all different race kids. The school is a wonderful blend of the world. I've been to a couple different schools in my life that are predominately one thing or the other. It doesn't work near as well. Everyone has something to offer, and it shouldn't matter what color they are, or how much money they have. I love the diversity of my children's school.
I could go on and on here, but that's not really what my post is supposed to be about. Another thing that has made my children's school so successful is the principal. The principal is a Christian, and I believe that makes all the difference in the world. Her influence on everyone is Godly, and there is an air of peace throughout the building.
Today I was especially touched by our school's principal, Mrs. Hedstrom, and I wanted to share it with you. A couple weeks ago, my daughter had a conversation with her. She asked Ariel if she knew she was allowed to bring headphones to the school to use while on the computer. When Ariel told her she didn't own a pair, Mrs. Hedstrom explained to her they were pretty inexpensive and mentioned a place she could find them for a low price. My daughter never said a word about this conversation to me.
This morning when I dropped Ariel off at school, I noticed the principal hand her a pink bag and I made a mental note to ask her about it later. I forgot, but was soon reminded as Ariel slipped into her seat in the car. It was the first thing she mentioned. Mrs. Hedstrom purchased Ariel her own pair of ear-buds.

I was so touched by this I cried. The principal is always drawing kids out and giving them special attention. She knows every kid by name and personal things about them. She remembers details from kindergarten about Ariel. I have always been so blessed by her attention. The school isn't huge, but there still are a few hundred students.
Our school is one of the many blessings God has placed in our life. It's more than being in the right place at the right time that we found this house. It's all about God's timing. He knows all these details and they always work out for our good. At that point I had no idea that it was going to be such a good school. I trusted my friend's word. Now I know that it is not just a good school but a God school. I am so thankful to God for providing a way for my children to attend.
"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." Romans 8:28