Monday, April 24, 2017

Free Candy Corn

You can feel free to use the coloring pages for your own PERSONAL use.  But please be kind and do not claim these pictures as your own or offer them for downloads.  

I struggled with some distressing information recently. My coloring sheet with candy corn on it is very popular. In fact, if you Google candy corn coloring page, my picture will show up multiple times in the top images. We're talking no scrolling is necessary.

candy corn bible verse coloring page count your blessings

That sounds more like good news, right? The bad news is they aren't exactly my picture. Or so they would like you to think. I designed the coloring page, but it is not my website you will go to if you click on the photo. In fact, my name is nowhere to be found. Another name lies at the bottom of the coloring page. My picture has been stolen more than once. I can't even find any of the image that links back to this website.

This made me sick to my stomach. How could someone steal my hard work? My creativity? My words? How could they claim it as their own? I was devastated. I felt violated and used. It looks as if I am the thief of my own picture. I never put names on my pictures. I share them freely.

This experience left me feeling very angry. I wanted to leave nasty comments on their websites. I wanted to demand they remove it. It felt like such an attack to my person. I thought about revenge. My honor needed to be restored. I'm embarrassed to be confessing how I truly felt.

All day long this ate at me. Even into the evening I felt the attack to my soul. This went deep inside of me. I couldn't shake it off. I despise injustice.

God spoke to my heart as I tried to settle my emotions. These people don't even know I exist. They did no bodily harm to me. In fact, they probably never once thought of me. They simply liked my coloring page. 

God asked me, "Why did you make the coloring sheet all those years ago? Did you do it for glory and recognition? Was your intent to make money off it? No. You did it for the kids."

The air fizzled out of my inflated ego. I made that picture for my kids to hand out to trick-or-treaters. I wanted my neighbors to see a glimpse of Jesus' love. What I felt today was not love. It was plain and simple greed. It was about me, Me, ME!!!

I made a rather unhappy comment on one website in the heat of my anger. I am so ashamed. I never put my name on my creative works. But on this hateful comment I signed my name. Why?!? Why would I sign my name to greed, but leave my name out of love? I wish I could take it back, but the site doesn't allow for deleting comments.  It's stuck out there, along with my beautiful message from God. The two don't go together. It sounds hateful, mean, and greedy. Not loving, kind, and forgiving. Fortunately, the Christ that the picture talks about IS loving and ALWAYS kind. That Christ never makes heated comments that hurt and are rude. That Christ doesn't push to get His own way. That Christ gave everything for us. That Christ asked for nothing in return.

If you see my mean comment out there by my coloring sheet, remember I am flawed. I am imperfect. I mess up. I get things wrong. I need Jesus so much. I need Him like I need breath in my lungs. I am nothing without Him.

I'm excited that so many people are seeing God's love while they color. Those websites are reaching more than this simple little blog ever could. For that I am grateful.

The coloring page states simply, "Count your Blessings and name them day by day. You'll be reminded Christ Jesus' love overflows to you, right now in nearly every way."

That is the cry of my heart. My cup overflows with blessings. I remember praying about what words to write upon that page. I remember crying tears as God gave me a message. Christ's love doesn't just come to you in a half full glass, barely enough for you to quench your thirst. Christ's love overflows. You don't have a container large enough to fill with the blessings that He pours out.

I refuse to dwell on myself like that again. The message on that sheet is too beautiful and sacred to me to squabble over it. It's a gift freely given. I post pictures and messages because I want to make a difference. And I don't want to make a hurtful difference. I stand by the fact that what I have is freely shared.

I did decide to go ahead and start putting my name on the coloring pages I make. It's not because I want to stake my claim to them. It's more about the message behind it. I often pour my heart into the things I create. I love to write and share what God speaks to me about here on this blog. If my name is on the bottom of the page, it might point people back here to hear my heart some more on a different subject, or maybe even the same subject. I feel that God has given me a gift to be able to verbally express myself.  I hope and pray that I express myself in a way that truly honors God. 


  1. I thank you for your honesty. I perceive that it took a great deal of courage to write...the kind of courage that comes straight from the heart of God. May He continue to bless you as you let your light shine for Jesus :)

  2. Amanda,
    Are you MyCupOverflows? We'd love to use these for our drive thru truck or treat. Is that possible? Do we need to pay you for them? On the back we will put our church information and invitation. Is that OK? Thanks. God bless you...these are so cute for kids who do not know Jesus Christ as their Savior.

    1. That's a great idea to use them in that way! Thank you for asking. :)
