Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Coloring Pages for Valentine's Day

You can feel free to use the coloring pages for your own PERSONAL use.  But please be kind and do not claim these pictures as your own or offer them for downloads.  It makes me sad to see my pictures on a coloring page website run by someone else.

free Valentine Day coloring pages

I'm so excited to be able to share LOTS more BRAND NEW coloring pages with you. With time off of school, we had quite a bit of down time. And lately, I've been obsessed with making coloring sheets. I had no idea it was so easy, and so much fun to do. It relaxes me to edit, and smooth the lines that have been drawn. We had another coloring session as a family, and came up with some sweet, fun pages. Each time we do this, I'm blown away with the talent that lies inside my husband and children.

free Valentine Day coloring pages

free Valentine Day coloring pages

free Valentine's day coloring pages

free Valentine Day coloring pages

I couldn't make up my mind which spot I liked the words better. So I decided, why not just share them both!

free Valentine Day coloring pages

free Valentine Day coloring pages

I made this moon coloring page for a very sweet young lady that I like to call daughter. She lives far away on the other side of the world, BUT we both see the same moon in the sky. When I look to the moon, I often think of her, and hold her very close in my heart.
free Valentine Day coloring pages

free Valentine Day coloring pages

free Valentine Day coloring pages

free Valentine Day coloring pages

free Valentine Day coloring pages

free Valentine Day coloring pages

My son made this very special flower. His picture is not so much of a Valentine coloring page, as it is a joke. He thinks he's quite humorous!

free Valentine Day coloring pages

free Valentine Day coloring pages

My husband drew this rose and candy box for me! So sweet!
free Valentine Day coloring pages

free Valentine Day coloring pages

This heart was not drawn during our Valentine's Day drawing session. My daughter doodled this heart several months ago. She's had it taped to her closet door. It was drawn on a torn out piece of paper from a journal. I've always thought it was rather interesting to look at, and was waiting for the perfect opportunity to share it!

A little encouragement from the Bible ..... "I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world." John 16:33

*UPDATE* I have recently made several of these coloring pages into Valentine Postcards to print and hand out on Valentine's Day. I also have a new Lego Valentine coloring page, and a Legend of Zelda coloring page

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