Saturday, September 1, 2012

That 70s Girl

I have never been jealous of the youth workers at our church, until now. My daughter is a part of them, and I wish I was there to watch her interact. It's amazing how quickly your perspective can change. In an instant, I was wishing I was back in high school so I could join in on the fun.

Tonight was my daughter's first official youth group activity. I don't count the welcome party they held for only the kids going into 6th grade. That was out of the ordinary; now she is one of the group. She belongs there. And it's hard for me to say it; I don't. I have always felt like I belonged wherever my daughter was.

I remember a few birthday parties when she was young that I invited myself along for. I was the awkward parent who just didn't want to say goodbye. I gave her the choice and she would respond, "I don't care. Whatever you want, Mom."

I desperately wanted her to yell back at me, "Mom! I need you! Don't go!" That's never been any of my children. I raised them all to be independent. I never let them know how much I wanted them to need me. Or how much I need them.

I believe if you're doing your job right, this is how it's supposed to be. They grow up, and so do you. You realize it's now your job to fade a little into the background. No kid needs a hovering parent. They need you to reassure them that they're okay and they can survive on their own. I'm not talking about kicking them to the curb; I'm talking about a little healthy independence. It's not easy, but it's all for their benefit. They need to know they can do it. Everyone needs the courage to be who God made them to be. It's not something that happens when you hit a certain age of maturity. It's all about the small steps you take to get there.

As I sit and write this I noticed the verse for the day on my blog, "Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it." Proverbs 22:6

I can rest easy knowing I've done my part, and am still doing my part. I am training my daughter in the best way I know how. To follow after God. To give Him her full attention and He will take care of the rest. There is so much peace in knowing that God is in control. He's got my back, and my daughters.

70's theme party clothes costume

I found a 1970's Butterick pattern to make this dress for Ariel. I believe the fabric is vintage too! I have an awesome friend who has supplied me with all different kinds of fabric. I love it! The shoes came from the last of a million trips to Goodwill. I really wanted white for her, but settled on the black. I think she looks adorable.

70's theme party clothes
Titus played electric guitar in the band for Fusion Live

I was able to watch the dress rehearsal for Fusion Live and I must say the youth are in for a treat. It was hilarious!

Fusion Live is a spinoff of Saturday Night Live. It's good clean humor for the youth group of our church.


My daughter just walked in the door. She won the costume contest! Woohoo! It was a 3-way tie. I'm so proud! Two boxes of candy and a $10 iTunes gift card...

70's theme party costume clothes

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