Friday, January 20, 2012

Crazy Hair Day

Today was crazy hair day at school! I'm always surprised at the amount of kids that participate. Practically none... My kids will use any excuse they can to act silly.

I had to get a picture of the back of the kid's heads. I don't think you could see the black color on Ariel's head in the first photo.

Gabe's head was my favorite! The principal went around taking photos of all the kids who dressed up their heads. Gabe was a lucky one who caught her attention, and she snapped a photo of him. Maybe he'll end up in the school's yearbook this year!

crazy hair day with stripes

1 comment:

  1. Omgosh, how cute (and so creative!), Amanda! Brighton had a crazy hairdo too when his school had a crazy hair day back in the fall. It was colored orange and sticking up in tall (cause his hair was pretty long!) spikes all over his head! What fun!!

