Friday, December 30, 2011

Favor of Jesus

Sometimes when you're walking with Jesus it will cost you more. More time, more effort, more pain, more money... In this case, I'm talking about more money.

Yesterday was Titus' 30th birthday. We had dinner out with friends and family at the restaurant HuHot. It was Titus' choice. If you've ever eaten there you know the food is delicious, but kind of pricey for dinner.

huHot Mongolian grill
When it came time to place our order, and figure up who was on whose bill, the waiter asked me how old Zech is. If you're under 4 you get to eat for free. I had the dilemma; do I tell him the truth? Of course I do, even when it hurts. Zechariah is such a little guy and hardly packs away any food that Titus and I normally would just share off of our plate. HuHot is buffet style, so that would be frowned upon.

I decided to be absolutely honest with our waiter. "Yes, he is 4, but he eats like a two year old. He's a really small guy." I wasn't asking for a favor; I was stating a fact to him.

When the bill was set in front of us, Zech's meal wasn't on it. The waiter gave it to us for free. That is the favor of the Lord. It always pays to tell the truth. Sometimes your reward may not be in a monetary way. It may just come as the satisfaction of doing what's right. But I still believe it's always the best choice to be honest. I've tried to live my life in that way, even when it's hard.

After the dinner at HuHot, we all came back to our home for some dessert, presents, and a comedy show! Since this was Titus' 30th birthday, I thought it would be fun if all his gifts were in multiples of 30. Everyone was very clever in their ideas!

He received 30 coffee beans. (Plus the rest in a separate bag)
He received 30 Sugar Babies candies
He received 30 CD-R's
He received 30 ounces total of various candy bags
He received 30 Oatmeal cream pies (One of his favorites)
He received 30 pieces of paper, numbered 1-30 (Can you guess who gave that one?)
He received 1 Chipmunk, and one dirty napkin birthday card...

30th birthday napkin
And lastly, from me:

30th birthday gag gifts money holders30 Empty Money Holders

30th birthday gag gifts precursor to prunes Runts30 ziplocs of Runts (His favorite candy)

30th birthday gag gifts you're a whoppin 30 whoppers30 Whopper Candies (another favorite)

30th birthday gag gifts toy guitars6 small guitar necklaces, with a 5 written on back... (You know, 6x5=30) these were the party favors for his friends.

and lastly 30 birthday candles! "Enough to light a city, you're so old!"

Have a very Happy 30th Birthday, Titus!
I love you!

A quick birthday story... "I'm four," said Zech to his daddy.
"Yeah. I'm thirty."
A puzzled response, "I not heard of that one before."
He started to count, "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, sixteen, nineteen, twenty... I not know it."

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