Friday, July 27, 2018

You're Puurfect

A little encouragement for you today... You're purrfect! God made you exactly how He wanted you to be. You are beautiful. You are loved. You are wanted. You have value. You are unique. You are one-of-a-kind. Remember that as you go about your day!

You can feel free to use the coloring pages for your own PERSONAL use.  But please be kind and do not claim these pictures as your own or offer them for downloads.  It makes me sad to see my pictures on a coloring page website run by someone else.

free cat coloring page You are purrfect

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

All My Tears

I love this verse that is found in Psalm 56:8. "You keep track of all my sorrows.  You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book."

Over the past several months, I have cried so many tears. I can't even imagine trying to count all the times I have cried, let alone trying to catch each of those tears in a bottle. Yet, the Bible tells us that God keeps track of them. He writes them down and holds on to each of them. Not a tear slips by without God taking notice of it. Every tear I cry, and every prayer I speak accomplishes something. God cares about me. I'm not alone. 

This coloring page was drawn by my mother! She has it hanging on her wall, and I couldn't resist making it into a coloring sheet. This week, this day, I needed a reminder of God's special love for me.

You can feel free to use the coloring pages for your own PERSONAL use.  But please be kind and do not claim these pictures as your own or offer them for downloads.  It makes me sad to see my pictures on a coloring page website run by someone else.

Free coloring page Psalm 56:8